Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Senior Conference in Budapest

 A senior conference is held quarterly in Budapest and all the senior couple come in to socialize, receive training, and do some sightseeing.  It was held the last week in August and we enjoyed meeting all the other seniors.  This is the only chance we get to meet the other couples and there are some very dynamic people serving in Hungary. In this photo we are all walking to our tour.

 We had a tour through the Hospital in the Rock.  It was built many years ago and is now only used for tours.  It was set up like it used to be with wax figures.  It was pretty interesting.

 We went on a tour of St. Mattias Cathedral on Castle Hill in Budapest.  It has a gorgeous tile roof and really beautiful on the inside also.
 A falconer?
 Overlooking Budapest from Fisherman's Bastian
Another angle of the church.
 A replica of the crown jewels inside the cathedral.
 On to another subject.  This is district meeting with all the elders and sisters.  They like to take a photo before transfers because next district meeting there will be lots of changes.
Back row. L-R Elder Cutler, Elder Steel, Elder Brown, Sister Oberhansley, Sister Ruperd, Elder Foster. Frost Row.  Sister Magda, Elder Gaytan, Sister Weberg, Sister Michaud, Sister Steel, Sister Kennedy
 This is the day we went tracting with Elder Cutler and Elder Brown.  We split and went up the street, doing both sides.  It was pretty successful.  The people were nice, we talked to a lot of them (Elder Steel and I just smiled a lot), They made a few appointments to return.
Saturday night is Sports Night at the church.  Elder Steel played quarterback that night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love seeing Virgil play Football! Way to go!