Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Branch Party, Hungarian Night

 So we Americans thought it would be a great idea to have a branch party with a Hungarian theme since it was close to the national holiday.  The Branch President liked the idea because he said Hungarians are not very patriotic. We were happy all went well.  We were a bit nervous because the man who was cooking cancelled 2 days before and we couldn't find anyone to teach Hungarian dancing.  But Roberta, the RS president, stepped right up and figured a new menu and cooked it.  The members volunteered to read poetry and sing songs.  We had a couple of games that the members did also.  Above is Tomas and Dorie (YSA) who did a Hungarian history trivia game and Roberta did a game where each table put a puzzle together and had to say where the picture was in Hungary.  We ate (the RS sisters brought desserts) and the BP set up a film to watch outside that was about King Stephen.  We invited Mission President Smith and Sister Smith since they were coming for Branch Conference on Sunday.
 Our chapel is turned into a multipurpose room for the party.  We had about 40 come and maybe 10 were non-members.
 The next day we invited the Smiths to Sunday dinner.  We have dinner every Sunday and invite the missionaries (8 of us) and they try to invite investigators.  We had one investigator there plus Dorie and Tomas.  This was Tomas' last Sunday before he left for college.
 The group at Sunday dinner.  We have a nice dining room and we can seat quite a few.
Sister Kennedy, Sister Magda, Sister Smith, President Smith, Elder Brown, Elder Cutler

1 comment:

blunckfamily said...

These truly are excellent adventures--all of them!