Friday, September 20, 2013

Mostly Eger

 This week we went to Miskolcs twice--once for Zone meeting on Friday and once for District Conference on Sunday (District Conference instead of Stake Conference.)  Friday, the Zone leaders did an outstanding job on teaching us.  The Zone leaders are Elder Nabroski on the left and Elder Kreiberg on the right--wonderful missionaries.  After zone meeting we got permission to go home by way of Eger to visit the Herds. They are the senior couple serving in Eger.  Eger is Rick Steve's top pick for a town to visit in Hungary outside of Budapest.  So we took our Rick Steve's book to see the sights. Herds were kind enough to go with us. 

 I love sidewalk cafes!
 The cobblestone streets of Eger on Dobo Utca (street).  Istvan Dobo is the hero of Hungary.  He held off the invasion of the Turks and was greatly outnumbered--kind of a Hungarian Davy Crockett. The town is famous for this.
 We are working our way up to the castle/fortress.
 Overlooking Eger
 On top of the fortress walls
 The castle has a small wax museum depicting heroes of Hungary; then you can explore some of the tunnels under the castle.
 Changing the  subject.  For Sunday dinner I decided to try making some Hungarian dishes on my own--paprika chicken, nokedli (a little dumpling) and cucumber salad.  The man on the end of the table is Szabos, the investigator the elders brought ( not Virgil). 

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