Monday, September 9, 2013

Happenings this week

 These are branch members, Kaity and Kaitika--mother and daughter--that we went to visit.  In the course of the conversion (all in Hungarian) the mom was showing us her baptism pictures and I heard "Elder Kreitzer" mentioned who is my nephew.  I got kind of excited and she showed us a picture of Elder Kreitzer.  I emailed him and he told me the story.  He had just gotten to Hungary and Debrecen was his first area.  They went tracting the 2nd night he was here and on the 2nd door they knocked on they found Kaity.  They taught her the gospel and she was baptized.  I thought it was pretty neat to have that connection.  That was 12-13 years ago.
 Sister Kennedy and Sister Magda at Kaity's house
 I love this sight--all the backpacks and shoes of the missionaries and others lined up in my entry.
 This was YSA FHE at my apartment.  They are playing Mexican train, waiting for palacsintas (crepes.)  Starting with Virgil, going to the right around the table is Villie, Sister Weberg, Elder Cutler, Dorie, Roberta.
 This is Janos.  He is an investigator.  He is making palacsintas for the YSA and missionaries.
 We had the missionaries over for a Steel Breakfast the morning of transfer calls.  I wanted to take a picture of these yolks--they are really yellow.  Steel breakfast is hashbrowns, scrambled eggs, bacon, and biscuits.
 The missionaries get so excited for transfers, waiting to find out where they are going is like Christmas.  It's pretty exciting waiting for that phone call.
 Steel Breakfast with the missionaries.
 Date night. This is a rare find in Hungary--  ice, water glasses, we even had a picture.
 Ahhhhhh.  Here we are in Hungary, eating outdoors under a canopy, beautiful weather--couldn't be better.
We even topped dinner off with an ice cream cone.
 For Primary this week, four prophets attended.  King Benjamin (Elder Andersen), Moses (Elder Steel), Joseph Smith (Elder Brown), Thomas Monson (Elder Cutler)
 This really sweet family in the branch, the Baloughs, invited us to Sunday dinner to have some Hungarian cooking.  They made goulyash and palacsintas which were both delicious.
L-R, Csaba, Eszter, Anna, Angela, Csaba.

TEAM DEBRECEN!!!  Go team!
 This week we were sent these two great missionaries.  Elder Nyman (and 18 year old, fresh from the MTC) and Elder Andersen (a former AP)  We now have 3 sets of great missionaries.

 These are our adorable and wonderful sisters, Sister Kennedy and Sister Oberhansley.  We were so happy that we got to keep Sister Kennedy, we were afraid we were going to lose her, but we didn't.  She is staying here as a sister trainer and is joined by another sweet thing, Sister Oberhansley, another sister trainer.  They are a fantastic duo.
 Another picture of Elder Nyman and Elder Andersen
 The Debrecen team!  They are the best and we feel so blessed to associate with them. 
Elder Cutler and Elder Brown.  We were so happy that they got to stay another transfer.  They are hardworking missionaries besides being a lot o fun.  We love them alot.

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