Sunday, July 13, 2014


 For Sunday lunch, we invited Anita and Janos, two investigators of the sisters.  Anita has a bap date for next week.  Hopefully Janos will follow soon after.
 Sister Jensen and the Katys.  I like to invite branch members to Sunday lunch also.  The Katys are members who Joshua Kreitzer (my nephey) found about 12 years ago.  They are a mother/daughter duo both named Katy.  They are great to come to everything.
Fuzer Castle -- The Jensens came back from America and we decided it was time to take an excursion.  This was a great one! We headed to Fuzer castle and made a few stops along the way.  The above picture is of another castle in a pretty town we drove through.
 Elders Jensen and Steel relaxing.
 This was another beautiful, well-planned city.  I didn't expect Hungary to have such beautiful cities with beautiful landscaping and city centers.  The above is a nice, very big  church.
 A fountain in the middle of the town square.  I don't recall the name of the city--it has one of those really hard  Hungarian names.
 Fuzer castle as we approached in the car.  It is in the Zemplen hills, close to Slovakia.
 Jensen's making the climb.  It wasn't a very long hike but it was steep.
 View from the top.  I love to hike so I really loved this.

 We thought this would make a great zip line.
 Who is that granny with her sun bonnet and tennis shoes carefully inching her way down the rocky trail.
 July 10th  was the year mark for Elder Whiting and Sister Jensen.  Our year mark was July 8th so we all went to town to celebrate.
 The big yellow church is the main landmark of Debrecen on the main square.  It has had scaffolding around it for months, but it is finally down and is beautiful--all freshly painted.  There are four sisters in the picture because the sisters were doing splits that day.  Our two Michaels joined us.

This was outside the restaurant where we ate.  I want this in my backyard.

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