Sunday, July 27, 2014


 Sister Rupard is an artist and likes to teach using her drawings.  She taught a FHE lesson on the world happenings leading up to the restoration of the gospel.
 Hungary is famous for cold fruit soup.  I tried making some cold cherry soup and it was pretty good.
Michael went home to Taiwan for six weeks and we had a Hungarian meal before he left.  I made the cherry fruit soup, the elders made rockott krumpli, and the sisters made palascintas for dessert.  L-R in the picture is Sister Jensen, Sister Rupard, Michael, Chin, Demi
 This is the gathering upstairs on the branchhouse after Anita's baptism. The branch always has a little get-together after all baptisms and everyone brings a little food.   For some reason the baptism picture did not show up so I will try again.  Anita is in the wheelchair.
 Anita with her husband Janos.
 Back at the Steels--We had these four lovely ladies to Sunday lunch--newly-baptized Eszter, Kristineni, Otillia's mom, Otillia . 
 Our last Steel lunch with wonderful Sister Rupard. 
 Our last Steel/transfer breakfast with Sister Rupard. We always get together for breakfast while we wait for transfer calls.  Sister Rupard has served in Debrecen for 5 months.We have been around her for about 10 months of her mission.  She served for a while in Nyrigyhaza when they were in our same district so we have known her for a long time.  She is a great, hard-working missionary and we will miss her. 
 Sister Rupard in front of her apartment at 5:00 am.  We are taking her to the train station.
 A great companionship--Sister Rupard and Sister Jensen.
 Elevators in Hungary are super tiny--especially the ones in the 10-story communist buildings.  The four of us can barely squeeze in.  We are on our way to visit Eszter with Elders Oaks and Whiting--our two awesome elders.  We really have a great group of missionaries.
 Pioneer Party--Sister Abrok is setting up the bograsc in prepartion for making guylas for the party.
 We decorated the multipurpose room for the party.  Pioneer day normally isn't celebrated here, of course, but it was a good excuse to have a party and teach them a little about pioneers.
 Back to the bograsc--it's quite a lengthy process. Sister Abrok and her daughter Barbara are in the background.  They were so kind to cook for this big group.
 We had the program inside. The missionaries talked, told a pioneer story and sang two pioneer  primary songs.
 They were joined by Dori and some primary children for one of the songs.
 Sister Jensen is telling a little about what life was like on the trail to the SL Valley.

 Brother Balough is lending a hand.  It's ready to eat!
 We all moved outside to eat.  Delicious!

 Lilla--one of our cute new members.
 Szilvia, another cute fairly- new member with Elder Whiting
 One of our new missionaries,  Sister Schnoor has been in the country 2 months and is 19 years old.  She is from southern Alberta Canada.  We are so happy she and Sister Sholly are here!
 Sister Sholly is our other new missionary (also 19--that is so young!) and she is really new.  She just got here this past week and Debrecen is her first area.  She is from Ogden, Utah.
 Could anyone resist this trio?  They will probably have a million baptisms.
 Otillia--one of the branch members that Virgil loves to joke with.
Ildiko, the piano player, we always call her.  She is the only branch member that plays the piano.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is such a treat to see your posts! Love all the pictures of the branch and the things happening there! Thank you again for sharing! Love it!-Sis. Oakes