Monday, June 2, 2014

Wade's family's visit

 Our new missionaries:  Elder Miller is from SLC.  He is the former AP who is serving in Debrecen for his last 5 weeks.  We feel so blessed to have him because he know how to work and how to do missionary work and he is a lot of fun.  He goes to the U but Elder Steel is trying hard to convert him to BYU.
 Elder Oakes is a brand new missionary from Arizona.  He is very impressive because he doesn't hesitate to be bold, he gets right in and works,and  he is doing great with the language.   We are blessed to have him also.

This is Sister Jensen from SLC (who also attends the U and Virgil will also be working on her I'm sure.)  She started her mission the same time we did and came out when she was 19.  We get the loveliest sister missionaries!  She is also hard-working and is the sweetest thing.

Wade's family came to visit!  Hooray!  That was so nice of them to travel so far to see us.  This picture is out of order but it is our sleeping arrangements.  Hallie was on the couch, Anna slept between those two big chairs pushed together.  Kaleb, Julie, and Wade on air mttresses (Julie isn't in this picture.)

This is when they first arrived after their 7 1/2 hour drive from Prague.  They flew into Prague, rented a car and drove here.

This is when they first pulled in. We were outside waiting for them.  It was pretty exciting.

I wanted them to meet this Hungarian family who aren't members but are the nicest people.  They always come to Friday night activities.  They live in a little village outside of Debrecen.  It is on the way to Hortobagy so we stopped on our way there.  The mama cow had just barely given birth to a new calf who hadn't even stood up yet.

Julie is holding a baby bunny.  Tibor is holding a brand new baby bunny.  I love their place because they have chickens, geese, rabbits, cows.  They do everything themselves and make practically everything themselves.

 At Hortobagy waiting to get on the wagon to go on a tour through the plains.  We did this earlier last August and wanted to take Wade's family there.
The missionaries were there also.

 Julie and Wade and all the kids did a little horseriding.

 That same day we also went to Eger.  All the streets were torn up but we walked around it and went to the castle.  A famous battle took place here in the 1500's and the Hungarians were victorious.
In Budapest at the city park there is a lake with paddle boats,and  a castle built a century ago for the millennial, celebration.

In Budapest on the tour bus.  We tried that the first day but the 2nd day we liked the subway better.

At the Parliament building.

 This is taken from atop St. Stephen's Basilica.
 Climbing the 302 stairs to the top of the middle dome.
 St. Stephen's Basilica.
 Budapest has a wonderful old opera house so we decided to give it a try.  We got cheap seats on the back row.  It was four hours long so we didn't plan on staying.  We watched for about an hour then slipped out.  I can't say I enjoyed the opera but it was fun being there.
 Atop castle hill at night with the Parliament building lit upin the background.
 After Wade and Julie and family left we drove home and stopped at this little village called Holloko.  It is a traditional Hungarian village with little shops and museums that was absolutely adorable except it's streets were also torn up and most of the shops closed.  But we enjoyed walking up and down the streets anyway.
The little church in Holloko.

A castle overlooks Holloko and it is a short hike so we went up to it.

 It was a beautiful walk.
 Another view of the castle up closer.

 This is out of order, but it is the RS party at the home of Illdiko.  We had a delicious barbecue and food.  They have a beautiful, well-kept backyard.

 Out of order also.  The little Steels at Sunday lunch.
 Sunday lunch.
 Our new elders and Michael
 Kaleb and Hallie performing for us.

 Dorie, Sister Jensen, Szilvia.
 Walking through Debrecen.

 On the villamos (tram)
 Jet-lag is catching up with Wade.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I found your blog link after seeing you in our son's pictures. Our son is your new Elder Oakes :) I had been hoping to find something about him. It was a real blessing to see your updated blog with his picture and his companion enjoying a dinner at your place. Thank you for posting!! Btw, we didn't hear from him this pday, wondered if everything was ok in Debrecen.