Monday, June 2, 2014


 After Zone training we took our wonderful sisters to Lillafured for a goodbye lunch for Sister Woffendin.
 For Friday night activity we tried pot luck.  Everyone brought something and it was a really good meal.  Turned out great and is easy on the budget.
Katy, Sister Woffendin and Dorie
 We played Minit to Winit games that were lots of fun.
 Sister Woffendin and Elder Haws at their last Steel Sunday lunch. We will miss them!
 For another goodbye dinner, Michael prepared potstickers.  They were really good.

 I love outdoor cafes.  The night was perfect!  This is the goodbye dinner for the elders.  Elder Hoferl is also leaving.  He was transferred to Niregyhaza--not too far away so we will still get to see him.

These got out of order.  More pictures of our potluck dinner and our new Elder Oakes playing Minit to Winit games.

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