Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sunday dinner and transfer day

 Michael is an investigator from Taiwan who is going to medical school here in Debrecen.  He comes to Sunday dinner almost every Sunday.   He is so funny and makes us all laugh--we all love him.  He attends church and all the other activities in the branch; unfortunately his parents won't let him be baptized--yet.  He just turned 26 years old.

 The Broadheads are a missionary couple from Yuma, AZ.  They are the Family History Specialists and travel all over, talking in church and giving workshops on family history.  They came to Debrecen last weekend and we were able to spend some time with them and get acquainted.  They are really a sweet couple.
We all got together for a Steel Breakfast on transfer day to wait for their transfer calls.  It's a pretty exciting morning.  We were afraid Sister Oberhansley and Elder Nyman would be transferred and sure enough they were--darn it. We were privileged to be with them for 4 1/2 months in Debrecen.  They are both wonderful, wonderful missionaries and have made being in Debrecen so much fun.

Elder Nyman is receiving his good news.  He was so excited about his new companion, Elder Haws.
 The Debrecen team. Front- Sister Steel an Elder Nyman. Back row--Sister Woofinden, Sister Weberg, Sister Oberhansley, Elder Steel, Elder Nabrotsky.
 Our wonderful Sister Oberhansley is being sent to Szeged to train a new little greenie for the last two months of her mission.
 Our greenie, Elder Nyman, is no longer a greenie but a great missionay. He is being transferred toTatabanya.
 Our sweet Sister Woofinden is staying in Debrecen with a new companion, Sister Westover.  They are sister trainers--kind of like zone leaders.

Elder Nabrotsky will stay in Debrecen for the last five weeks of his mission (but we can't talk about that.)  He will have a new greenie to train.  He will be the District Leader and we will have great meetings.  When he was our zone leader in Miskolc I loved his training meetings
Working with these young missionaries is the highlight of our mission.  They are absolutely amazing!

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