Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Little More Christmas

 Sister Magyar sent me a few more photos of our Christmas dinner.  Here wer are opening the little gift bags she gave to each one.
 On the floor, Sister Weberg and Sister Szabo, L-R in back.  Elder Nabrotsky, Sister Hegedus, Elder Nyman, Sister Magyar, Sisters Steel, Woofinden and Oberhansley.

 The Monday before Christmas we went caroling.  I didn't take my camera so we went back a few days later to get pictures of the town square.  They set up an iceskating rink in front of the Nagy Templon.
 This is what the members call the "Lehi Tree" after Lehi's vision of the tree of life.  It is a fake tree totally covered with lights and is gorgeous.  When we went caroling we stood in front of it and sang.  People actually stopped and listened.  Then we went to 3 homes of branch members.
Downtown Debrecen is really pretty all lit up for Christmas.

It seems most of my photos are of us seated around the table for Sunday Dinner, so I haven't taken as many of those.  Our main activity nowadays is going out in search of the inactives which I really like doing.  It's pretty exciting when we find someone home and they invite us in.  We usually schedule another visit.  Of course, we are with our Hungarian-speaking young  missionaries because we no speaka the language.

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