Sunday, August 11, 2013

Random photos from the week

 This is Atilla.  He is the man we do bible study with.  He will be leaving for China in a couple of weeks.  He is really a good man and we hope he learns to love the BOM as well as the Bible.
 Every Saturday at 6 in sports night on the chapel lawn.  The elders and sisters play with whoever shows up.  The other night it started raining and they kept on playing.
 We had to go into Budapest last Sunday and Monday to get our Visas.  The Carpenters (on the left) who are the office couple took us on a little sightseeing tour.  We went on top of Castle Hill which overlooks Budapest--what a beautiful view.  The Smiths (on the right) also had to go in.  They were with us at the MTC.
 The Parliament Buildilng
 Steels and Smiths
 The Parliament Building at night--one gorgeous building!
 They put us up in a hotel again.  This is the view off our room.
 Went to lunch with the Smiths, Carpenters, and Sister Smith--the Mission President's wife.
Back in Debrecen at YSA.  We played Pictionary with play dough.  Pretty hilarious.  This is a competitive group.  We wouldn't dare keep score. Tomas at the end does not want his picture taken.
 This is the forest where we walk every day.  It is about 3 blocks from our apartment and is quite large with several trail weaving through it.  They say you can't get lost but we've gone on some loooong walks working our way out.
 "Tabling" or "streeting with the Elders and Sisters.  We love the young missionaries.  Elder Cutler, Elder Brown, Sister Kennedy, Sister Magda.
Sister Kennedy playing on her ukelele and singing from the hymn book while "streeting."  She is outgoing and a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

looks like a fun group! and what a beautiful trail to go on walks each day. Weather looks nice too!