Saturday, July 13, 2013

Reporting from the MTC

Mosses and Steels at the famous map
  Ruth and Marvin Smith are also going to Hungary for Member Leadership Support Mission.
We are divided into districts at the MTC.  This is our district.  (L to R) Our teacher, Brother Lee, The Keefers--going to Italy for Military mission; the Thelins--going to Finland for Young Single Adult, Caldwell's--going to Honolulu for Military Mission, Steel's--going to Hungary for Young Single Adult Mission.  We were with these people all week and grew to love them.

1 comment:

Elder and Sister Steel said...

How amazing! Wade got off the phone with you the other day and said, "I want to go on a mission, if would be fun to go on a mission with your spouse!" Looks like you have loved your first week!