Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We Truly truly are in Hungary

 Our last day in the USA.  We are in the Chicago Airport, ready to get on our long flight to London then Budapest.
 We failed to get a photo with our first meeting with President and Sister Smith, our mission president. She will mail me one later. The president assigned us to be Member Leadershhip Support instead of Young Single Adults. This is our apartment in Debrecen where we have been assigned. So European. This is the dining room/extra bedroom.  We even have a piano. 
 As you enter the apartment you go down this long hall.
 This is our toilet room.  The flusher is held together with rubber bands.
 Our bathroom
 Our kitchen nook.
 Our cute little kitchen.
 Our teeny fridge and microwave.  Sorry, the picture is sideways.
 Our bedroom
 Our living room.
 Our living room from another view.  Overall, quite a nice apartment.  We even have air conditioning in the dining room and bedroom, which a lot of apartments don't have.
 Our gated apartment building.  They all are gated.
 On the street where we live. There are many beautiful tree-lined streets.  Our apartment is in the Great Forest region.  Not far from where we live there is a forest with lots of trails; just flat trails, no hills.  Makes a nice morning walk.
 Our very cute and very nice branch building.
 Our car.
 Our elders, doing "tabling."  They set up a table in front of our church and pass out pamphets.  They are Elders Brown and Gould.  Such cute boys.  We are just getting acquainted with them.
These are our sisters, Sister Madga has only been here one transfer. She is really sweet and we love her already. She came out with Elder Neeley from St. George.  On the right is Sister Perkins.  She has been in Debrecen for quite a while so we are afraid we will lose her next transfer which is this coming Tuesday.  She knows the language well and gets us around town and is a great little missionary. This week  we have been going with them to meet branch members and the less-active.  We have to go with someone who speaks the language since we speak  so very very little--about two words.  There are also two senior single sisters who do YSA.  I'll get a photo of them later.


Grandma lu said...

love your blog!!! Makes me feel like I should do one too, but California is not quite Hungary!

ewest said...

How perfect that you have trails through the forest to walk in every day. Your apartment looks cozy and your first assignment sounds challenging. You'll be able to lead with love instead of language.

Rhonda said...

Its so fun to see that you're really there in Hungary! Your apartment looks great and that little blue car is awesome! And a piano - you've got the life!