Sunday, December 7, 2014

 Lovacsi Family.  A wonderful, active family.  The girls are my piano students.
 Here is Debrecen District plus Michael before transfers.  Steels, Michael, Elders Zwingli and Cannon, Sisters Williamson and Cropper.
 Group Hug.  They love Elder Steel (Grandpa Virgil)
 Hooray for Thanksgiving.  Round two.  We had another Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving day and invited the YSA and the missionaries.

 Barbi Abrok, Sister Dohm, Sister Cropper, Elders Zwingli and Martindale, Michael, Roberta, ElderSteel
 Michael and Elder Steel just chillin'.
 Our darling new sister, Sister Dohm, from Minnesota--just 19 years old and an amazing young sister.
 Our new greenie, Elder Martindale from Boise, Idaho and Utah.  He is just eighteen years old and is doing great.
Debrecen team--Elder Zwingli, Elder Martindal, Sister Dohm, Sister Cropper.  We love 'em!

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