Monday, November 17, 2014

Miscellaneous happenings

 This is the salon where I have gone to have my hair cut and colored.  I thought this hair dryer was quite unique.
 Andy is the cute girl that cuts my hair.  She is really sweet.  She speaks a little English but I still have a hard time communicating with her.  When I told her "highlights" somehow that translated into brown hair.  I left there with brown hair last time!!!  AWWWG  I know she tries her best but I can't seem to get the color I want.
 I also thought the shampoo sink was interesting.  It's a little higher than the ones in the USA but works fine.  It might even be better.  She gives a great shampoo.
 The RS sisters have been getting together to make Christmas gifts for the young people of the branch.  Ildiko and Roberta are ironing on interfacing.
 We went bowling for YSA.   You pay for an hour and then they turn it off at an hour--you don't finish the game.  We were actually in to game 2 when they turned it off.

 After Branch conference we all went outside on the porch and had a picture taken.  That day we had a big group at church--probably around 60.
 Making prayer sandwiches in primary.
 I don't know what I would do without Dori.  She comes in the first hour of Primary and translates for me while I do sharing time and she helps with singing time while I play the piano.  She learns the songs along with the children.  I love being able to teach primary songs to the children.  They aren't familiar with a lot of them and nothing teaches the gospel like primary songs.
 After branch conference we had President and Sister Smith to lunch.
We had a big group to lunch that day--14.  Virgil made Virgil stew again so it was easy for me.

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