Sunday, September 7, 2014


 The piac is my favorite place--rows and rows of beautiful fruits and vegetables.
 Tibor and Tunde are our favorite piac vendors.  He speaks a little English which makes it nice.
 MISKOLC CASTLE--The Baileys invited us to Miskolc to the grand opening of the castle which was totally renovated.  There were tons of people there
 A weaver of something.
 Meat, chicken roasting on the spit
 Also a pig

 The castle.  There are tons of castle ruins all over Hungary.  Some of being restored.
 It was more of a renaissance thing than a Hungarian thing.

 Sister Bailey and jester.
 Inside the castle.  We asked a young man to take a picture and all his friends photo bombed us!
 Castle furniture
 View from the top.

 Elder Jensen and Elder Steel
 The president has loosened up a little on sightseeing for seniors on Pday.  It gets dark so early here in the winter that we figured September might be the last best time to go.  So we went to Bekescsabe to visit the Smiths.  This is their town square.  It seems all of Hungary has beautiful town squares.

 Church at Bekescsaba.

 Hungary grows a lot of sunflowers.  In the summer it is a beautiful sight to see fields of sunflowers.  This patch is on its last leg, ready to harvest.
 Then we took the Smiths with us to Szeged.  This is the beautiful cathedral on Dom square.  Like many places in Hungary, the square was all torn up.
 Hero's gate--a war memorial
 A bridge over the Tisza river. Szeged is on the Tisza
 Opera house
 Szeged university
 This restaurant was recommended in a travel book, but it gave the wrong address.  But after asking directions, we finally found it.  It was a beautiful place to eat and the food was delicious!  They furnished bibs.  Hungary has lots of classy restaurants and wonderful food.

 Yeh!  Michael is back.  All is right with the world.
 Every Thursday night we have English class.  That's how the Elders get a lot of the people they teach.  This is elder Zwingli teaching the beginner class.
 Sister Naegle and the other 2 sisters teach the middle class.  Elder Oakes teaches the profi class and I failed to get a photo.
 For our Friday night activity Elteka Abrok came and demonstrated stuffed peppers.  They were so good!
 Sister Sholly, Elder Zwingli, Roberta, Dori
 Time to eat.  Nagyon finom volt!
 I'm back to doing activity days again.  This time the little girls made easy bags.  They loved it.  This is Regina.
 The finished bags.  Marton didn't make one but I gave him one I already had.  Johanna and Emilia and their bags.  Regina is camera shy and wouldn't have her picture taken so we just took it of the bag.
 Our new Sister Naegle from So. Jordan, Ut.  She is wonderful!
Elder Zwingli from Washington State.  He is a great elder and has a fun sense of humor.

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