Wednesday, August 27, 2014

 Michael Mcquire, our American Michael, has been in Debrecen for about four months.  He is a Catholic but loves to hang out with us and comes to everything.  We have loved getting to know him.  He is studying linquistics and is interested in the Hungarian language and was doing something with the university here.  But he has gone back to America now and we will miss him.
 We like this restaurant in the Nagy erdo because it serves ribs. and we can eat outdoors.  We're only going to eat in outside cafes for as long as we can.  One of the things I love about Europe.
 On a Pday we went to Budapest with the Jensens (the senior couple from Nyiregyhaza) because they had to go into the doctor.  We went to Memento Park which is where all the statues from the Communist era were taken when communism fell.  Instead of destroying them, someone put them all in this park. 
 I think it was during the 1956 revolution that the huge statue of Stalin was toppled. It was cut off at the knees and  destroyed  Hardly any statues of Stalin remain because he was so despised.  These boots are  a reproduction.
 Inside the park. 
 One of the statues that my Rick Steves book  is a bath attendant running after someone who forgot his towel.  Joking of course. It is someone running with the flag of Hungary.
  These are the scrappy quilts that we have been working on for several weeks in sewing class.--I think the pattern is called a disappearing nine patch.   I buy old pillowcases from a second hand store and we use them for the fabric.  This is mama Katy and little Katy with their finished product.
 The scraps they didn't use, I put together in a quilt also.  I will leave it with the branch or give it to the branch president
 August 20th is a big holiday in Hungary.  A thousand years ago King Istvan made Hungary a Christian nation and I think that is when Hungary officially had its beginning.  Debrecen has a Flower Carnival every year with a huge, very impressive parade and other activities throughout the day.
 Lots of costumes, floats, folk dancers, and lots of people lining the streets.

 Oh, I love Hungary!

 They also had a quilt show and all the quilts had something to do with the flower theme. 
 Every Thursday is English class.  The missionaries teach English and it's a great way to get investigators   After English class, we have a little gospel discussion time and a gospel lesson in taught.  This wonderful family stayed and then they wanted to sing for us.  The man on the piano plays by ear and his wife in the middle has a beautiful singing voice.  They were the nicest people.  They also came to church on Sunday and said they would see us back at English class.  We hope it develops into something.
 We have monthly zone trainings in Miskolc.  The senior couples all decided to fix and furnish  lunch afterwards for the missionaries. 
 Our lovely sisters--Sholly, Schnoor, Jensen
 Our lovely elders--Whiting and Oaks.
 Sad Sad day in Debrecen.  Transfers are never good but this one we lost our two most experienced missionaries whom we love and adore.  We are at the train station  seeing off Sister Jensen.  She is such a great missionary.  She is a sister Trainer--one of two in the mission now.   (We were going on our morning walk afterwards,; that's why we are dressed like this. It's not our usual attire..)

 AND we also lost wonderful Elder Whiting.  We only had him 9 weeks--not nearly long enough.  We sure get attached to these missionaries.  Working with them is the highlight of our mission.  They become our chillins'. (or grandchillins')

Sunday, August 10, 2014

August activities

 Once a month at our Friday night activities, we have a food demonstration.  Ilona is showing us how to make strudel.  Sister Jensen is giving it a try.
 Elders Whiting and Oaks and Roberta.
 Adding the apple filling.
 Putting the lard/flour mixture in between the layers of dough that makes it so flaky.
 JOZSI'S BAPTISM  Jozsi is crippled and so it took three men to baptize him.  It was awfully sweet.  Jozsi is Debrecen's 7th baptism this year. 

 After the baptism we went upstairs and had suti. 
 Our wonderful Sister Jensen--we love her!
 Jozsi had the support of great friends.
 The lovely sister missionaries--I call them our happy little birds.
 Balogh Angela and Csaba--wonderful branch members.
 Balogh Csaba, little Csaba and Elder Steel
 AMERICAN MICHAEL'S BDAY.  For Sunday lunch we made a cake for Michael who is turning 30.  He will only be in Debrecen one more week.  We will miss him


 I have a flower box out on my deck and I have enjoyed these geraniums all summer long.
 I walk almost every morning and have watched  this construction all year.  It is finally nearing an end and it is absolutely beautiful!  This is all around the new stadium.
 There is a pool and fountain and these block/stepping stones going through the pool.  I like going there at night also; there are always a zillion people milling around--they love it too
 :Lots of beautiful trees surround the stadium.
 Another angle of the fountain.  There is another section that has opened up also that I haven't taken pictures of yet--another time--also very beautiful.

 WATER PARTY--We had a YSA water party at the Debrecen branchhouse.  There were lots of fun water games that I found on Pinterest.  This one is unwrapping and putting on frozen shirts.
 Picking marbles out of freezing water with their toes. 
 The sling shot for slinging water balloons.
 Water  pinata.  Most everyone wanted to try it so we did this multiple times. 
 Water balloon volleyball.
 The gang.
 A TYPICAL STEEL SUNDAY LUNCH.    Our darling sisters--Jensen, Sholly, Szilvia, Sister Schnoor
 Villi, Demi, Elder Whiting, Dori
American Michael, Elder Whiting