Sunday, April 13, 2014

sok-sok kepek

 We took a wonderful p-day to Tokaj, the wine capital of Hungary.  The young missionaries did a hike while the Jensens and we explored the town and surrounding areas.  Hungary has lots of beautiful doors; these are two of them

 Sister Jensen and I strolling down the streets of the quaint village of Tokaj.  Someone told us about a giant wine bottle on a hill above two churches.  We were searching for that.  We did finally find it after getting information from the tourist office.  It was above another village around the hill from Tokaj.
 Someone's backyard that I liked.

 A stork nest on a chimney.  There are lots of stork nests around.  Maybe the stork is Hungary's national bird?
 Virgil loves this sight to see a man riding down the street on a small bike.
 When we went around the hill to find the wine bottle we also found hill after hill of beautiful grape vineyards. We hope to see it in the summer when they have leaves and grapes.  At the top of the hill was a small deserted chapel.
 Inside the chapel Jensen Elder is putting up a pass-along-card
 The view from the little chapel of the surrounding countryside.  I really really loved this.  I felt like I was in a movie in France or Italy.
 Up close of the little chapel
 The same day we also went looking for this wonderful old castle called Boldog Ko (happy rock)  There are lots of castles in this area.

 Looking back at the castle from the lookout tower.
 The view from the top.  Some quaint little town down below.
 Another stork nest.
 When we were ready to go home, we set our GPS for "home."  She took us every little backroad possible.  She even brought us to this ferry that we had to take to get across.  It was a crazy but scenic drive home.
 This is another sight we like to see. 

Primary Activity Day
 Virgil took his boys outside to do en egg toss and was joined by lots of others.
 My sweet little girls and their sweet mothers coloring eggs.  We made bunny bags, colored eggs, and I made deviled eggs for them.
 The finished products.  L-R  Marton, Johanna, Emilia, Ezster, Regina

Friday Night Activty Night
 This was our food demonstration night. Once a month we have some great Hungarian cooking. Roberta demonstrated Hungarian donuts and Langos, fried bread similiar to a scone.  We had a big crowd--about 25.

Niregyhaza RS BDay Party
 Sister Jensen did a fabulous job with the BDay party is Niregyhaza.  They enacted the first RS. Besides Emma and Joseph there were several others that took part.
 Then we all drove to Sister Jensen's house.  They live out in the country in a darling home.
 The food was amazing.  Their RS president made trays of beautiful and delicious food.  The Hungarians really have a knack for arranging food beautifully.  I think they are all great cooks also.
 These unique brooms are everywhere in Hungary.  They are used as outide racks.  I would like to figure out how to get one home.  Ride it maybe?
More beautiful food under the little covered wagon that Sister Jensen made.  She went to so much work and it turned out so well.

1 comment:

blunckfamily said...

Truly lovely--- everything! And I had to LOL about your broom :D