Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Transfers -- again

 This is after Steel Breakfast on transfer day.  We get together for breakfast while we await their calls.  It's pretty exciting and there are always surprises.  We knew we would lose Elder Nabrotskay, of course, because he is going home, but we didn't expect to lose Sister Westover.  She hasn't been here very long at all and we hated to lose her so soon.   We have transfers really often because people go home mid-transfer so things get shuffled around.  Now that the MTC program is only 9 weeks for Hungarian it will take a while before we quit having mid-transfers
 I started to teach piano lessons to these three beautiful little girls, all from the same family.  I don't have an idea what I'm doing, but the church as a keyboard course that I can follow somewhat.  There is lots of good stuff on the internet for games and free music also.  I hope I can give them a good start.
 Emilia is 11, Regina is 9, Johanna is 8.

 This is our wonderful new sister missionary--Sister Rupard.  We always get really great sisters because sister trainers are always in Debrecen.  We knew Sister Rupard from when she served in Niregyhaza several months ago, and we are thrilled to have her here.
 We went to town one night with the missionaries.  Booths were set up because of Farsang--the Hungarian version of Halloween.  There were no covered tables to eat at.  That night several of us went to Niregyhaza to a baptism on the train.  The man being  baptized was Sister Rupard's investigator when she served there.  We didn't stay too long, about an hour--just turned around and came right back.
 Sisters Rupard and Woofinden--really excellent sisters!
 Elder Haws is new to Debrecen.  He is an experienced missionary and only has about 2 1/2 months left on his mission.  He goes home in May.  Maybe we will be able to keep him until then; I don't know.  He is great!  He is from Farmington.
 Elders Hoferl and Haws
Crazy, fun Michael--We love him.  (sorry I didnt get it flipped).

1 comment:

blunckfamily said...

I am so jealous of your kitchen and your roomy space! That's what we did the first and second times but here it's almost impossible. We have the sisters over for spontaneous suppers and I do major birthday cakes for birthdays--- so I love your traditions! And teaching piano--- oh my--- I actually love the church's keyboard class, although I've made some changes. Like who could ever relate to da-dum??? And Georgians insist that it needs to be do re mi instead of c d e. I ask have you ever heard of a symphony in do sharp minor? They don't think that's funny. You two are wonderful!