Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lots of photos

 Our new Elder Hoferl from Austria.  He is Elder Nabrotsky's greenie.  He is really sweet and has quite a German accent.  He speaks German, English, Hungarian.  Elder Nabrotsky also speaks German so they have a good time together.
 Our new sister, Sister Westover from SLC.  She is a sister trainer with SisterWoofinden.  She is an experienced, very good missionary and goes home in May the same time Sister Woofinden does.
 These are branch members that we had to Sunday dinner--Kristanini, Otilla and her husband.
 Sister Weberg.  She is about ready to go home.  She has been serving in YSA here in Debrecen and has been a lot of help to us.
 We just started an art class on Tuesday nights.  Zsoka is the teacher.  She is a very good artist in the branch and a sweet lady.  It is a fun class; all we have done so far is sketch with a lead pencil.
 This is where we live--our apartment building.  We are on the 2nd floor.
 Out taking a wintry walk.  It finally snowed in Hungary--about six inches.  It got down into the twenties but we really bundle up and it isn't too bad.
 Walking in a wintry wonderland.  This is the Nagy Erdo--big forest, that we walk through almost every day.
 Some people in our English class invited us to dinner.  Or rather, the sister's asked if we could come and they fixed us a huge meal.  I love cultural experiences like this.  Tibor and his wife Ilona.  Tibor works really hard practicing English while we are around.
 Here we all all around the dinner table.
 The beautiful meal she had prepared.  We had already had soup.  Their son, Tibor, has downs syndrome.  He comes to English class with his parents.
 Beautiful suti (sweets)
 Tibor, Ilona, Tibor
 We have quarterly senior conference in Budapest.  All the senior couples come into the mission home for training--plus we eat together, play games, and do sightseeing.  We love it!  It's about the only time we meet with the other seniors; we wouldn't be able to get acquainted otherwise.

 We took a tour of the beuatiful parlilament building.  Their guards are pretty classy.
 Our guide, Anna, inside the parlilament building.
 President and SisterSmith.
 Parliament bilding.
 I feel likeI'm in a spy movie in Budapest--don't they all take place in Europe?
Riding in the train with a wintry landscape outside, going inside the parliament building and imagining Tom Cruise suspended from the dome of the capitol building trying to rob the crown jewels--it all reminds me of being in a movie.
 The US embassy in Budapest
 St. Stephen's catherdal.
 The escalators are so steep going down to the subway, they people look like they are  leaning backwards
 Our first primary activity day.  The sister's helped me by braiding hair and painting nails.  We also made valentines and frosted cookies to leave on the branch president's desk.
 Emilia is 11 years old.
 Regina is 8
 My primary children at sharing time.  Eva on the left is the primary president. Dorie on the right translates for me.
 Martin is 10
This Martin is four, showing off his new CTR ring they received today.  I'm really grateful to be working in Primary.

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