Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hooray for Thanksgiving Day

 This isn't Thanksgiving dinner.  The church was off limits this week because they were painting it.  So we had FHE at our apartment.  The elders and sisters also held programs at our house.  We quite liked it.
 We celebrated this wonderful American holiday even though Hungarians don't.  Our district decided that we would have district meeting on Thursday morning at our apartment.  Then we would eat Thanksgiving dinner/lunch afterwards.  Everyone was given a food assignment and it was so delicious and fun.  I love Thanksgiving and we had such great company.
 This is the spread.  We were able to find about everything except yams and cranberries. (also no Stove top Dressing so we did homemade and liked it better) Turkey isn't sold as a whole turkey but just turkey pieces. 
 We even had our traditional Dixie salad!
 Hooray for Thanksgiving day!  We had to sing "Over the River and Through the Woods."
 And now the desserts
 Friday night Pancake night at our house.  It was a little tight but it worked.
Villie playing a game with a straw and M&M's.

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