Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Hungarian Christmas

 We had a wonderful Christmas Season in Hungary. These little girls are our neighbors and came bearing gifts of cookies--delicious gingerbread cookies.
 Some things we did that I didn't take pictures of was the YSA did a service project and went to a family shelter.  It was quite a nice place, the children were friendly and clean and well-cared for.  They preformed some songs for us then we brought in Miklos (Nicholas) and he passed out gifts, we played games and ate. 
 We had a branch Christmas party that Roberta (Our very capable and talented RS president) was in charge of.  We didn't do a thing except help set up and bring a pot luck dish.  They met in the chapel and had a program--stories, poems, songs, instruments.  The branch members signed up if they wanted to perform.  Then Miklos came and passed out presents to everyone.  Roberta and the RS had made Christmas pillows for the children and a Christmas table runner for the parents.
 Virgil wanted to sit on Santa's lap.  No one else sat on his lap (I guess they don't do that here) so Virgil did.
 After the program, we went upstairs to the YSA room and  there was a beautiful array of all kinds of Hungarian foods.  I love trying all of these new foods.  The food here is great!  I brought funeral potatoes (Minus the cream of chicken soup) and they seemed to like them.  This is what they do every year and it was very nice.

 For Christmas Eve we had dinner at our house.  Everyone helped and brought something.  Afterwards we acted out the nativity and sang songs that go along with it. (L-R) Seated Shepherds--Michael's roommate Michael,  Elder Nabrotsky and Michael.  Back row: Me-Wiseman, Tamas-wiseman, Elder Nyman--Joseph, Sister Woofendin--Mary, Sister Oberhansley--Wiseman, Sister Weberg--Angel.
 Oops--forgot to turn it.  After the nativity, we played games.  Elder Nyman is measuring Michael for a coffin.
 This is our Christmas tree and presents Christmas morning.  We had the missionaries over also for Christmas breakfast.
 The highllight of the day was being invited to Christmas Dinner at the home of two of the loveliest little sisters in our branch.  They went to so much work for us.  They had little bags with gifts for each one there, we sang Hungarian Christmas songs, watched a short video from an old movie, and had a wonderful Hungarian meal.  It was delicious and presented beautifully. 

Here is the line-up
After dinner, the Elders Skyped at our house and the sisters went to Sister Weberg's.
Then we were able to call each of our kids.  It was a wonderful Christmas--very simple and wonderful.

A couple of Random pictures

 Virgil is looking "elegant" (the words of our favorite guy at the outdoor Piacs.)
This is a sight we see every now and again when we are in villages outside of Debrecen.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Playing catch up

 At Christmastime, every city in Hungary (and possibly most of Europe) set up Christmas Markets in the town square.  There are booths that sell all sorts of food, hats, crafty items, etc etc.  This above photo is of "chestnuts roasting on an open fire"( except the fire isn't open.)  We bought a few to try--kind of soft inside. 
 Roberta, our RS president, sings in a little community choir.  We went to the square to watch them perform.  This is 4 o'clock and it is dark!  Sunset is at 3:45 so we have long nights.
 This is at the town square--all bundled up.  It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
 Hungarians in the kitchen.  Janos wanted to cook for us again for Sunday dinner.  Helping him are Dorie and Villie.  He made a Hungarian dish that the Hortobagy cowboys make--an inexpensive dish and I can't remember the name.  It was really good.
 Making paper chains
 Sister Kennedy and Elder Bebel's last Sunday dinner with us.  Elder Bebel got transferred after only about 5 weeks.  He is going to Szeged to be a zone leader--he is an excellent missionary.  Really smart. And he plays the piano well.
 Transfer morning we got together for a Steel Breakfast to await transfer calls.  We were afraid we might lose Elder Bebel and we did.  He is such a good missionary. He was enthusiastic about helping us track down inactives.
 Saying goodbye to Sister Kennedy and Elder Bebel.
 Our crazies!  Such a fun group and super duper missionaries!  

The Debrecen bunch--Steels, Sister Kennedy (about to depart to America--well done), Elder Bebel,
Sister Oberhansley, Elder Nyman

 Our sweet new sister, Sister Woofinden from Washington state. The youngest of 9 children.
Our Canadian, Elder Nabrosky, Elder Nyman's new companion.   Elder Nabrosky has two months left of his mission and we were so fortunate to have him sent to us.  He was our zone leader a transfer ago in Miskolcs and I was so impressed with him them.  He has lots of great experience, is a great leader, and has a really upbeat personality, and he speaks the language like a champ.  (He also speaks German and French)  I think they only send the best and brightest to Hungary.

We recently decided to just start going down the inactive list and trying to find them.  We don't make an appointment because we have to have someone call for us and they are usually hard to reach.  So we are just heading out to see who we can find.  We have found several at home and they have all been very nice.  We set up an appointment to go back.  If they are not at home, we leave a Liahona with telephone numbers attached.  Of course, we need a Hungarian speaker with us--Sister Weberg speaks a little and the missionaries go with us once a week  Hopefully we can get some to go back to church and "build the branch."

FUN FACT:  Hungarians say "Hello" for goodbye.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hooray for Thanksgiving Day

 This isn't Thanksgiving dinner.  The church was off limits this week because they were painting it.  So we had FHE at our apartment.  The elders and sisters also held programs at our house.  We quite liked it.
 We celebrated this wonderful American holiday even though Hungarians don't.  Our district decided that we would have district meeting on Thursday morning at our apartment.  Then we would eat Thanksgiving dinner/lunch afterwards.  Everyone was given a food assignment and it was so delicious and fun.  I love Thanksgiving and we had such great company.
 This is the spread.  We were able to find about everything except yams and cranberries. (also no Stove top Dressing so we did homemade and liked it better) Turkey isn't sold as a whole turkey but just turkey pieces. 
 We even had our traditional Dixie salad!
 Hooray for Thanksgiving day!  We had to sing "Over the River and Through the Woods."
 And now the desserts
 Friday night Pancake night at our house.  It was a little tight but it worked.
Villie playing a game with a straw and M&M's.