Sunday, November 3, 2013

Janos' garden and Night of the dead

 Night of the dead or All-Saints Day is a big day in Hungary.  It's like our Memorial Day.  Everyone is off work, shops close, streets are bare--all except by the cemetery.  Flower shops are set up year-round at the cemetery but extra booths are added during this week.  These are the extra flower shops/booths.
 We walked to the cemetery for our morning walk.  It was super crowded.  We also walked there at night after Pancake Night with everyone that came.  I didn't take pictures at night but it was really pretty with lots of candles.

 Janos, our newest member, invited us to his garden.  It is a big plot and he spends lots of time there. He cooked us lunch in this Hungarian pot--Hungarian food is sooo good!  There is nothing I like better than experiencing real Hungarian life.  His friend Arpad was there also.  They are both good guys--really sweet and soft-spoken. We knew Arpad already from English class.

 The garden is behind us.
 This is the house that  Janos built.  It is two-story, no bathroom.  A kitchen on the main floor and bedroom above--a nice little home. It's not finished yet--  I don't think he plans on living there--he has a flat and also his mother's house to stay in.
This is his beautiful garden.  Don't ya love it!  He has two old sheds, a cellar, water barrels to wash our hands in with homemade soap.

Another highlight of  the week was traveling to Budapest for Zone conference.  We were taught by the area president, Elder Teixert (sp) and his wife.  It was about six hours with a break for lunch. It was really good--a wonderful spirit was there and he gave some great instruction.  His wife was a wonderful speaker also.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I want to come visit! I love seeing your posts!