Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October, my favorite month of all

 Last Saturday we walked to this huge "craft" fair.  There were booths that went for blocks and blocks.  A branch member had her paintings in a booth.  We didn't see it all because it was so big but we bought a couple of items.  We have had gorgeous weather for the past few days.  This was one of those days.

 At first I thought this was a cheese booth, but it wasn't.  I'm not sure what it was--something from a pig maybe.  Anyway I thought it looked interestin.
 We heard the most beautiful music playing and I thought it sounded like music from Bolivia.  Sure enough, "Music from the Andes" in Hungary
 I bought a pair of snowboots from this gypsy woman.  I thought she looked colorful and asked if we could take her photo.

 I've got to find the recipe for this!  They are SO good.  Some kind of crispy fried potato pancake.
 For Sunday dinner we decided to try something Hungarian.  The elders said they knew how to make Rakott Krumpli (stacked potato).  It had layers of potato, onion, peppers, tejfol (similar to sour cream) eggs, sausage, cheese. I asked Elders Brown and Cutler to help assemble it in between conference sessions.  It was really good.  Pretty simple, pretty foolproof.
 For P-day yesterday we went on a hike.  We took the train to the quaint little town of Tokaj about an hour and 15 minutes away; it are famous for wine.  Fourteen of us went.  This is a well in the middle of town.
 Here is the group before the hike.
 Elder Steel, making his way up the trail.  It was pretty steep, not many switchbacks.
 Resting halfway.  Sister Weberg is on the right.  She is a real hiker.  Can move out with the best of them.  I kind of take the slow and steady approach.
 At the top.Virgil looks like he is in pain but he's not.  (Not until later that is)
 Here is the group.  L-R Sisters Ruperd, Falstav, Weberg.Elders Andersen, Cutler, Brown, Gaytan, Nyman, Sisters Operhansley and Steel.  Elder Steel, Sister Kennedy, and Elder Judd.  A really fun group.
 This is a snapshot of the town below, but it's not a good picture.  It was pretty misty that day.
A cemetery on the way up, nestled into the hillside'

I felt bad I didn't have my camera today (Tuesday) because it was one of my favorite days.  We have a member who is in the hospital and had just chopped a big pile of wood.  He wanted it moved today; so they did what Elder Nelson said, "Ask the Missionaries."  We were really happy to do it.    We  went with the young sisters,( Sisters Operhansley and Kennedy who we dearly love,)  and had a really hard time finding his home (it wasn't on the GPS) but after asking several people we finally found it.  It was the back roads of Hungary; probably like the back roads of Tennessee.  I loved it!  Dirt roads, farm animals, Hungarian homes (some shacks), mangy dogs, unkempt yards, very rustic, very beautiful.  It took four of us about 1 1/2 hours to stack the woods  It was a beautiful, warm, sunshiny day.  And me without my camera!

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