Sunday, March 30, 2014

Many, many pictures. So sorry

March 22--big day for Lilla and all of us.
 Sister Kennedy and her parents were able to be here.  Sister Kennedy and Sister Oberhansley were the sisters who "found" Lilla.
 Eating Suti after the baptism.

Right after the baptism was the RS birthday party.  They enacted the first RS and then told a little about each of the general RS presidents.  Twas very nice.
 Szilvia and Lilla in their bonnets.  Along with Michael, they are our most recent converts.  They are both darling girls!
 On P-day one of the investigators took us on a walking tour of Debrecent. The spring flowers are in bloom so I had Elder Hoferl pose by them.
Budding artists working on the color wheel.
 Hungarian class. Dorie helps the elders with their Hungarian.  Michael and I go along to see if we can learn anything.
We walk by the new stadium and hotel and usually stop to check out the progress.
 Spring has sprung in the Nagy Erdo (big forest).  It's so pretty right now.
 More prettiness
 More prettiness
 ...and more
 .......and more.
Tibor and his son Tibor come to English class every week.  
They are so kind and have invited us to their home for dinner a couple of times.
I love going because I feel like I get a real taste of rural Hungary.
He  has several farm animals--He has two cows in his small shed.

 Rabbits that they raise to eat......

 Geese and they eat their eggs.  

 Dishing up guylas soup
 A boiled dumpling with a plum inside.  Delicious!
 Ilona showing off her beautiful, homemade strudel!  She is an amazing women--she makes everything from scratch.
 Homemade turo

 The family.  Tibor, Ilona, Tibor
 AND...homemade butter
Since "selfies" seem to be the thing, we did a Debrecen missionary selfie at district meeting.
Sister Rupard is an art majoy at BYU so you know she's gotta be good!  She did our activity on Friday night and gave us a llittle art class on drawing people.  Then we drew each other.  It was really fun!

We went into town for Sister Rupard's birthday and ate at a really cute Hungarian restaurant.

Since all talents can't be performed, we set up tables where they could display their talents.
 Ilona's beautiful knitting
 Beautiful Hungarian embroidery
 Marti and Janos'
 Szabo family
 Projects from sewing class
 Sister Rupard's
 Marti did about 10-minute recitation that was totally memorized
 Katy has a beautiful voice
 Gifted and talented Michael
 Szabo Istvan playing his harmonica
 Szabo girls. They have beautiful amazing voices.
 Ildiko playing the flute
 Roberta singing
RS sisters enacting the  first RS with Elder Haws as Joseph Smith.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


 Almost every week we have district meeting and we take turns with Niregyhaza.  The Jensens are now the senior couple in Niregyhaza so we get to see them a lot which is nice.
 Sister Grigg and Sister Moffett from Niregyhaza.
 Elder Spedding, Sister Rupard, and Elder Haws.
 Last week we visited a woman and her new baby.  She is the non-member wife of one of our members.  They live about 40 minutes outside of Debrecen.  The drive out was beautiful countryside.  This photo is of their backyard--I loved the backyard.  So quaint and rustic.
 For my birthday last week we went with the missionaries and Michael to an Indian restaurant.  L-R is Sister Rupard, Sister Woofendin, Sister and Elder Steel, Michael, Elder Hoferl, Elder Haws.
 The flowers Virgil gave me for my birthday.  They have a real Hungarian look about them.
 Last week we had zone conference in Budapest.  Three zones were there on Thursday.  Our darling  Sister Oberhansley is going home and she ate lunch with her MTC group one last time.  She was the only sister in the MTC group and they had a lot of fun together.  When the sister goes home from the MTC group they call the elders "bachelors."
 Our table at lunch.  L-R  Elder Steel, Elder Bagozzi, the Stake President of the only stake in Hungary, Elder and Sister Jensen, Elder and Sister Smith.
 The whole group at lunch
 We finally met Elder Neely from St. George.  We have never served around him so we were able to meet him at the zone conference. We hope he gets to serve in Debrecen sometime.  We hear great things about him.
 Afterwards we went into Budapest to eat.  We had to get a picture in front of this casino.  We didn't eat there but went to a nice restaurant along the Danube.
 This musical ensemble was playing at the restaurant.  The food wasn't great but the music was.
 Five bridges cross the Danube in Budapest and they are all lit up at night.  Budapest is a beautiful city.
 The Bagozzi's (they are golfers and St. George snowbirds) the Jensen's, Elder Steel
 I picked up my birthday package when we were in Budapest.  It had so many fun things in it.  My favorite was this birthday banner with notes from grandkids written on the flags.
 On Friday night activity night we decided to branch out and not just have pancakes.  Once a month we will have a cooking demonstration.  Sister Hegedus made Poor Mans soup for us.
Dishing up.  The lady in blue and her family are from English class and are not members. They usually come to Activity night on Friday.
For Sunday dinner we invited the Szabo family.  I work with the mom in Primary and just love her.  We met them the first week we were in Hungary and have visited them regularly every since.